How We Can Help You
We are passionate about supporting our clients in growing their business and delighting their customers by providing diverse and talented consultants and full-time candidates.
Our Numbers Say It All

Our Clients Think We’re Swell
My Swell Consultant is the best. She has helped me keep this massive train moving and has helped tremendously with some of our loyalty reporting and in-person marketing channels. She is a force to be reckoned with! We can’t stop raving!
Our Swell Consultant, who we hired to fill a gap while one of my Managers was on leave, is amazing! She is super sharp, intelligent, and has her finger on the pulse. She has jumped right in and has provided relief/support immediately.
My Swell Consultant is doing great, she has hit the ground running and is a perfect fit for the team and has already contributed a ton.

The Swell Manifesto
Our vision is to create a world of happy work people and happy workplaces. We believe that happy people are less stressed, highly engaged, better teammates, and are the most productive–all of which makes them strong contributors to your business results and team dynamic.
Swell provides the benefits, development opportunities, incentives, and support to ensure the people we place have what they need to be happy and successful!